We are thrilled to report that the first phase of work began in June with setting the foundation for the new addition. The construction was started in July and three weeks later on the evening of July 24th, the community gathered to have a ceremony of “giving thanks” in the newly completed addition!
To have so much work done in three weeks speaks to the dedication, belief and commitment to a shared vision! It was beautiful to see the community gather around this project and volunteer their hard work to make this possible. To witness a community come together to make a “dream” a reality is phenomenal and powerful!
A year ago, after a major medical procedure Mr. Moves Camp, Executive Director of Wicahpi Koyaka Tiospaye, gave voice to his vision of renovating and adding an addition to Ti Ska Ceremony House. His vision was centered on leaving a solid foundation for the future generations to continue to have ceremony, to pray and to stay healthy. Ti Ska’s infrastructure is built on the principals and legacy of the Lakota Oyate’s cultural teachings, ceremonies, stories, songs and healing for a path to health, wellness and survival.
Jim Willis, general contractor with Cherokee Builders Corp and Larry Steele, carpenter, took the lead in beginning the first phase of this project. Families came together to work on this project and the community was involved from the beginning to the end. It took numerous volunteers to make this first phase possible and we acknowledge each and every one – from contractors to laborers, runners, cooks, supporters and many others!
Photos of the first phase can be seen below. They include foundational work for the new addition, flooring, framing, siding to match the new addition with the old structure, sheet rocking, new roof on the old structure and new addition, electrical work, set up plumbing for the second phase of the project.